The mission behind Child Smile Foundation

For the past 17 years, Child Smile Foundation has provided safe and quality education for hundreds of children.

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A group of children posing for a picture

About The Organisation

Child Smile Foundation is a community-based organization intended to provide protection and safety to all children especially the most defenseless in our communities by providing education, food and to the most vulnerable. The organization wishes to see that all the children in our communities receive care and love from parents, guardians and fellow socialites in the community. An Asian proverb states: ‘’ If you’re planning for a year sow seeds, if you’re planning for ten years, plant trees but if you’re planning for a hundred years, educate people. Indeed, when it comes to providing solutions that are long lasting, education is imperative because it develops a person’s ability to make decisions that will improve his life. We believe that when children are educated, they will become better equipped to deal with the problems of life. They can also gain moral strength needed to overcome harmful habits. Child Smile Foundation is the right place for the education of orphans and vulnerable children. Our organization promotes the rights of children and encourages all stakeholders and partners to play their roles in supporting the children by promoting their rights to play, their rights to education, safety and protection, their rights to eating good foods and access to clean water. Children also need enough rest and sleep to promote both their physical and mental growth among others. with confidence as successful and responsible law abiding citizens.

Group of girls clapping handsGrouo of children posing for a pictureBoys posing for a pictureChildren in classroom

About The Founder

Alan Mugisha is a compassionate man. He is a teacher by profession and a preacher of the good news found in the bible. He is also a family man who is raising children and taking care of his family. With a heart full of love and concerns for the children and other vulnerable groups in Uganda, he decided to create this organization to support orphans and vulnerable children de receive basic education in their community. It was back in 2006 while I was severely sick, with little hope to recover from my sickness. It was during this critical time when I started thinking deeply about my life and the life of my dear wife Harriet and our two boys, Joel (4 years) and Jonathan (2 years). We had no money and no income to support the family in case the sickness could continue for months or years. The whole family was dependent on me while I was down on bed very sick. I started to think about the future of my wife and two sons in case I died. Knowing very well that Harriet could not support properly the boys and their needs especially their education, I started to think about adoption organizations and agencies in Uganda where Harriet could place my two boys so that maybe they could get a family to care for them and help them receive basic education. I discussed this with Harriet many times while in tears, convincing her to allow the boys to be adopted in case things turn to the worst about my health.

Few months later, I recovered from my sickness and realized that my children did not need any adoptive parents any more. But at the same time, I came to think deeply about hundreds of children whose parents die prematurely and suddenly and how difficult life is for them, then I decided to start a charity organization that could support such children. I started the organization known as: ADOPTION INITIATIVES CARE CENTRE (AICC) in 2006 with the aim of placing orphans into families instead of keeping them into orphanages. Children need to grow in families not in orphanages. It was registered for the first time in 2007. This organization has created huge awareness about the fate of orphans and vulnerable children in the central region of Uganda in Wakiso District and a great campaign to educate such children. We went from school to school to request free places for orphans and vulnerable children. After two years of such campaign, we decided to start our own school where we could allow orphans and vulnerable children to study free of charge when they have no body to pay their school fees. This is when we started MERCY NURSERY & PRIMARY SCHOOL. This school has helped many orphans and vulnerable children in different communities in which we have operated since the school inception in 2009.

Currently the school is now operating on its own land, more than 80 children are receiving basic education here including orphans and vulnerable children. Many children who attended our school are now in high school or secondary school and many have already finished high school or secondary school.

Founder Image

Dedicated Team of Volunteers

Child Smile Foundation is run by a dedicated group of volunteers who are willing to accomplish their work with dedication and resilience in order to reach the main objectives of the organization. This team enjoys a vast experience in management of the organization with all humility, transparency and a great spirit of team work to accomplish lots of good things for the children. The team is ready to support any child at any time and makes sure all children under our care enjoy their rights and accept their obligations.

Our mission

To aid vulnerable children by providing educational and material support, promote their self-worth and prepare them to overcome the challenges of life with confidence as successful and responsible law abiding citizens.

Our Vision

To build strong communities by empowering children with education as a tool to improve on their lives through provision of knowledge and development of practical skills that enable them to achieve self-admiration, self-reliance and become confident successful champions in their communities.


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